Eddie Madril

Eddie Madril is a member of the Pascua Yaqui tribe of Southern Arizona and Northern Sonora Mexico. He is an active member of the Native American community and a representative of his culture through various aspects: as a dancer, singer, teacher, playwright and filmmaker. For over twenty-five years, his involvement and commitment to Native heritage has provided him with the opportunity to share a wealth of information amongst diverse communities. His work has included the presentation of assemblies and residencies in Bay Area schools working with students and encouraging the development of appreciation and respect for American Indian dance, music, culture, history, art and sign language.

Madril was co-founder of Four Winds Native American dance company (1983 – 2009) and was awarded a three-year recipient of the California Arts Council Artist-In-Residence grant, as well as the San Francisco Foundation individual artists' grant, and a grant from the San Francisco Arts Council. He was nominated for an Isadora Duncan Dance Award as a soloist for his hoop dance presentation in his 2008 original play "SunDagger Solstice" and for Outstanding Achievement in visual design for Sewam Dance’s for Origins which he co-directed in 2014. In November 2011, he was recognized by KQED as an American Indian Bay Area Local Hero.

Madril is currently a professor for American Indian Studies at San Francisco State University and is a monthly host for KPFA Radio's Bay Native Circle program.  He has presented as a guest lecturer across the country in American Indian music, dance, religion and contemporary culture for Tufts University, Stanford University, St. Mary's College, and Dominican University, among others.

As a dancer/artist he presents across the country and internationally for such groups as the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival, Young Audiences of Northern California, the Festival du Monde Gannat France, Youth in Arts, and the US Embassy New Zealand. He has been an invited speaker for national organizations such as the ANCC National Magnet Conference, ONS National Advanced Practice Nursing Conference (keynote), and Ka Haka International Cultural Arts Symposium Auckland, NZ.

Eddie currently sits on the Board of Directors for Mahea Uchiyama Center-International Dance and The Video Project and was previously on the Board of Directors for Friendship House of American Indians Inc. for more than 15 years. He has also served on the advisory committee at the de Young Museum of San Francisco for Native programming and holds a Masters in American Indian Studies from San Francisco State University. He is currently a doctoral candidate with Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.

Awards and Nominations

Isadora Duncan Dance Award Nomination
Outstanding Solo Performance

KQED American Indian Bay Area Local Hero

Isadora Duncan Dance Award Nomination
Outstanding Achievement in Visual Design
Sewam Dance Origins